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8 valuable plumbing tips for new homeowners
14 May

8 Valuable Plumbing Tips for New Homeowners

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Whether the house was built recently or 30 years ago, if you are buying a home for the first time, then it’s exciting regardless.

While plumbing inspections are included in the house inspection before you sign on the dotted line, there are some things you should know as a new homeowner to keep your plumbing system in order.

You won’t need a Red Seal certificate in plumbing, but understanding a few basic things to prevent problems (or helping your plumber before they arrive to fix an emergency) is a tool that everyone can benefit from having.

1. Emergency plumbing first aid

Every home should have some form of emergency first aid for different situations. While you will need to purchase most first aid kits prepackaged from a store, a plumbing first aid kit can be constructed with simple household items that you already have.

A bucket, towel, duct tape, wrench, screwdriver, and plunger placed all together in one place in the event of an emergency can be the difference between waiting for a plumber in a dry room or waiting in the diner down the street.

2. Identifying water stains

Older houses will have paint and other decor that has seen better days. They typically come with stains and scrapes. This can make identifying water stains harder.

New houses should look immaculate and bright. Water stains, in this case, will stick out like a sore thumb.

Stains indicate there was running water in that area at some point, and the size of the stain can indicate the amount of water present. Darker stains will let you know how long the water was there. Water leaks are a huge problem and should be addressed as soon as you see them.

3. Basic maintenance

The internet is a glorious tool, and you can find plenty of instructional videos on the basic maintenance for taps, toilets, and showers. It is worth watching them so that you can prevent issues before they happen with some knowledge rather than tackle a larger problem blindly.

Things like replacing the flapper in the toilet cistern when it wears out over time are simple and don’t require a plumber to come to your home. Learning how to ensure that a pipe joint is sealed properly to prevent a leaking tap is also easy, as long as you turn off the water first.

Even how to properly unclog a drain with a drain cleaner is basic maintenance that you can do as a homeowner, and it doesn’t need to result in large fees from calling a plumbing service.

4. A deeper home inspection

Home inspections done during the initial purchasing process will examine the current plumbing system. However, most inspectors are not qualified to take a closer look, especially if the property has undergone renovations or additions.

By hiring a professional local plumber service for a deeper inspection, you can ensure that there are no hidden issues that could burst forth at any moment or if there is a problem that can be fixed quickly.

5. Shut-off valve location

One of the biggest issues a homeowner can face in a plumbing emergency is water flooding the basement, bathroom, or kitchen. Turning off the water quickly saves on utility bills and helps the plumber when they arrive.

There are shut-off valves near every toilet and tap, but the main one is typically located in the basement. Locating and marking them so they are easy to see in emergency situations is recommended.

6. Don’t pour grease in drains

Grease and oil from cooking should be poured into a container and disposed of in the garbage instead of being poured down the drain. As the grease cools and solidifies, it can cause blockages in the pipes, leading to costly repairs later.

Wipes and other personal hygiene items should not be flushed down toilets as they can also clog up pipes. While these can be a problem in the pipes in your home, if they make it to the main pipes in the garden or under the street, it can be costly for the city, and you can face fines in some areas.

7. Winterize

Many of us will prepare our cabin on the lake with certain maintenance for the winter. We should do the same for our home plumbing as well.

While the system doesn’t need to be flushed or drained, making sure that the pipes are insulated to prevent them from freezing in the cold of winter will keep them from bursting and freezing solid.

Pipe lagging is simple to install and relatively inexpensive, and can save you thousands each winter.

8. Soften that water

If you live in a hard water area, investing in water softeners can help extend the lifespan of your plumbing system.

Mineral build-ups can lead to clogged pipes and malfunctioning appliances. Removing this debris can be time-consuming and costly, so prevention is key.

Call the Plumbing Experts

Advanced Plumbing is your expert plumber, providing you with superior plumbing service, serving the GTA and surrounding areas with our award-winning exceptional services.

Homeowners can count on our professionalism and knowledge so that any plumbing need is catered to quickly, efficiently, and correctly the first time. We have no hidden fees, and we provide 24/7 emergency plumbing services.

Whether it’s plumbing renovations, drain issues, hydro-jetting, or water heater maintenance, for example, all your needs are available under one plumbing company.

So, call us at 866-863-9539 and find out how we can help homeowners such as yourself with questions or repairs. Or, you can contact us here and book your consultation today.


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